Wealth Migration: Dubai’s continuing allure for the ultra-rich
Currently, Dubai possesses the highest concentration of private wealth amongst the Middle East countries.
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Currently, Dubai possesses the highest concentration of private wealth amongst the Middle East countries.
The President of Madeira has rejected plans to end the Portugal’s golden visa scheme arguing that it is good for the growth of island’s economy.
Albania’s Prime Minister, Edi Rama, has announced that the country’s planned Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP), also known as the “golden passport” scheme, will be temporarily suspended.
Hlavnou úlohou rodinnej kancelárie je chrániť vaše aktíva a následne ich zveľaďovať. Spolupráca s rodinnou kanceláriou je dôležitá preto, aby ste dosiahli primeranú návratnosť svojich investícií a majetku.
Existuje niekoľko druhov víz vydávaných SAE s cieľom prilákať turistov,tiež obchodných profesionálov a ich rodiny, aby pracovali a žili v SAE
There are several types of visas issued by the UAE with the goal of attracting tourists to visit the country and also business professionals and exceptional talents and their families to work and live in the UAE.
The patriarch of the family about to retire contacted us through their family lawyer. He would like to have as smooth as a possible transition of the family business to his three children.
The HNW client from an EU member country about to retire and stay in Malaysia approached as to find a long-term residency solution for him.
Currently, Dubai possesses the highest concentration of private wealth amongst the Middle East countries.
The President of Madeira has rejected plans to end the Portugal’s golden visa scheme arguing that it is good for the growth of island’s economy.